how to sleep smarter
pay you today I'm going to be giving you a few tips on how to sleep better from the book sleep smarter 21 essential strategies to sleep your way to a better body better health and bigger success by Sean Stephenson the first chapter really gets into it and digs into the value of good on interrupted sleep when someone works out performs weightlifting movements what they're doing is they're actually tearing their muscles and the only way to get these muscles to build back up is when you sleep your brain undergoes a lot of processes and build itself a couple you sleep to the first tip want to get to is you need to get warm sunlight your body knows when it needs it doesn't get enough when there's not enough sunlight hitting your body there's not enough vitamin D being released your circadian cycle says hey there's something on here in a knows you're not getting enough sleep
it's actually in your DNA to let you know that you should get more sunlight there's a city in this book and they found that those who work in an office without and window slept on average 46 minutes less in REM sleep which is rapid eye movement sleep which is the important next step is to avoid screens around two hours before bed now screens TV screens monitors phones they emit a blue light and this blue light stimulates the daytime your brains its data money to wake up you can actually reverse engineer this and put blue lights 5,000 Calvin light bulbs in your office to work better and faster but let's get back to sleeping better your brain won't produce melanin which is the drug that kills your brain to go to sleep if your eyes see the light of these two hours before bed is perfect time to do a little bit of stretching do some reading your family and getting more sunlight like in the first it will teach your brain hey there's no sun light out to produce more melanin is to tips actually go hand-in-hand other next tips about caffeine you should try to avoid any source of caffeine eight hours before bed did you know that the half-life of caffeine as eight hours that means it takes eight hours for half of the caffeine to get released from your system means in 16 hours on the quarter will be left John Stephenson says they should try to switch to glow coffee or low tea or me in the morning he says that you should also use Kathleen has a boost out across you’re not something you see every day and rely on it happens as little as twelve days you start becoming desensitized to the affects you need more cash to get the same Russia you have before the next step is to say your thermostat under 68 degrees should try to create a cool environment for body to sleep in if you need to you can use a heavy comforter wear warm socks of circulation problems another tip is to grow plants in the bedroom and this can be something as simple as an English ivy or something as sophisticated as a fruit tree course this morning for some plans to pull out negative I arms in the air to remove free electrons can cause cancer it also removes toxins fungus and mold and also he says that there should be no reason you bring any work inside the habitat they were sleeping because humans are creatures of habit whenever you bring work into your sleeping environment the next time you come in there be like hey its work time and you won't go to sleep is fast break this habit don't bring anywhere any work documents don't think about what you're in your bedroom should also have the light down really low this means almost no light as dark that you can even see your hand when it is right in front of your face they did a study they found that light can actually be since your skin to those sleeping mass don't work as well as what you think they do also found that running water has been shown to lower anxiety levels so if you have to you can buy a little running water machine that will create the sound and lower your anxiety levels hope you sleep better than one is a he mentions orgasms are huge for sleeping so they release all kinds of chemicals in your brain to help you master the main one is oxytocin which has a calming effect and actually counteracts cortisol which is known to be a stress hormone releasers other anti-stress hormones and just serotonin norepinephrine past or present and prolactin and this is why having sexual relations with someone is also known as sleeping with them as I hope you hope you learned something thanks for watching and subscribe for more
it's actually in your DNA to let you know that you should get more sunlight there's a city in this book and they found that those who work in an office without and window slept on average 46 minutes less in REM sleep which is rapid eye movement sleep which is the important next step is to avoid screens around two hours before bed now screens TV screens monitors phones they emit a blue light and this blue light stimulates the daytime your brains its data money to wake up you can actually reverse engineer this and put blue lights 5,000 Calvin light bulbs in your office to work better and faster but let's get back to sleeping better your brain won't produce melanin which is the drug that kills your brain to go to sleep if your eyes see the light of these two hours before bed is perfect time to do a little bit of stretching do some reading your family and getting more sunlight like in the first it will teach your brain hey there's no sun light out to produce more melanin is to tips actually go hand-in-hand other next tips about caffeine you should try to avoid any source of caffeine eight hours before bed did you know that the half-life of caffeine as eight hours that means it takes eight hours for half of the caffeine to get released from your system means in 16 hours on the quarter will be left John Stephenson says they should try to switch to glow coffee or low tea or me in the morning he says that you should also use Kathleen has a boost out across you’re not something you see every day and rely on it happens as little as twelve days you start becoming desensitized to the affects you need more cash to get the same Russia you have before the next step is to say your thermostat under 68 degrees should try to create a cool environment for body to sleep in if you need to you can use a heavy comforter wear warm socks of circulation problems another tip is to grow plants in the bedroom and this can be something as simple as an English ivy or something as sophisticated as a fruit tree course this morning for some plans to pull out negative I arms in the air to remove free electrons can cause cancer it also removes toxins fungus and mold and also he says that there should be no reason you bring any work inside the habitat they were sleeping because humans are creatures of habit whenever you bring work into your sleeping environment the next time you come in there be like hey its work time and you won't go to sleep is fast break this habit don't bring anywhere any work documents don't think about what you're in your bedroom should also have the light down really low this means almost no light as dark that you can even see your hand when it is right in front of your face they did a study they found that light can actually be since your skin to those sleeping mass don't work as well as what you think they do also found that running water has been shown to lower anxiety levels so if you have to you can buy a little running water machine that will create the sound and lower your anxiety levels hope you sleep better than one is a he mentions orgasms are huge for sleeping so they release all kinds of chemicals in your brain to help you master the main one is oxytocin which has a calming effect and actually counteracts cortisol which is known to be a stress hormone releasers other anti-stress hormones and just serotonin norepinephrine past or present and prolactin and this is why having sexual relations with someone is also known as sleeping with them as I hope you hope you learned something thanks for watching and subscribe for more
how to sleep smarter
Reviewed by Top Place
3:53:00 AM
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