The 3 Keys To Exercises Your Eyes Effectively - Eye Exercises

Exercise Your Eyes:

MOVE Your Eyes for a Change Just to be clear from the start, when I say "exercise your eyes," I don't mean eye exercises. I'm talking about doing something else besides staring. Computers, TV, smartphones, and now tablets are taking over by storm.  Our world is becoming narrowly focused.  So what does "exercise your eyes" mean?Exercise Your Eyes

Take Them for a Walk I mean get out and move your body.  It's good for you.  It's relaxing and it's fun.  While you are at it, move your eyes around.  Gaze around, look at different things at different distances, and check out the sky. Go for walks and look around.  Yes, check out the other sex, too, if that makes you happy. Just get out of the habitual distance you stare at all day. Your eyeballs need movement to stay healthy and flexible.  This is the cheapest and easiest way to get started.  20-20-20 Rule You might have heard this one before, but just in case you haven't: Use the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes throughout your day, lift your head, and look at an object 20 feet away from you, for 20 seconds. If you want to, go wild! Look at the area around that object 20 feet away and see what's around it.  If you are near a window, look out. If you are locked in a tight corner somewhere, look as far as you can every 20 minutes.  Then once an hour do what you should be doing when exercising -- drink water. Get up, walk to the water cooler or wherever your water is, and exercise your eyes properly. Go to that place, drink, and while you are at it, look around.  Look out of windows, along corridors, anything, just exercise your eyes.  Move them around. Last But Not Least The most essential way to exercise your eyes is to blink, blink, blink.  When you stare your eyes dry out.  Blinking lubricates them. Do that regularly and you will be more effective all day long. Now I'd like to invite you to discover more ways to maintain and improve your vision than exercising your eyes -- Click Here to download your Free Vision Improvement Toolkit. It has lots of ideas and techniques that go beyond exercising your eyes.  It will keep you healthier and feeling better throughout your day. Let me know how it goes with all of this, how your eyes feel, and join the discussion below.  Leave a comment. 
The 3 Keys To Exercises Your Eyes Effectively - Eye Exercises The 3 Keys To Exercises Your Eyes Effectively - Eye Exercises Reviewed by Top Place on 10:05:00 AM Rating: 5

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